P09CF1705627 Prime Mansion Promphong 3 bed 3 bath250 sqm.21.8 MB

อัพเดทล่าสุด 12 ธ.ค. 2563 00:38:13 น. เข้าชม 180 ครั้ง

ราคา 21,800,000 บาท


Reference code P09CF1705627
Project name : Prime Mansion Promphong
Bedroom : 3
Bathroom : 3
Area : 250
Selling price : 21800000
Rent Price : 0

Incube Realty Co., Ltd.
Mobile : 0983392461
Line-ID: incube168
Email : _admin@incube.co.th

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Incube Realty Co., Ltd. is real estate company specializeing in sales
and leasing local residential properties along BTS and MRT lines in Bangkok,
and also properties in Chonburi, Phuket and Khonkaen province_s

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